TW5 Demos ========= This is a place for various minor TiddlyWiki work, including - A [demo][d1] of a technique I was [asking about][tto5494] in [talk.tiddlywiki][tto] to list the status of known tiddlers, whether complete, TODO, or missing. - A [reworking][d2] of a small bit of Charlie Veniot's [Basic Anywhere Machine][ba] based on a [discussion][tto5767] of portal sites. - A demonstration of my [glossary technique][d3] built on a simple excerpt-list macro. - A proof-of-concept of an [accordion macro][d4] combining tiddlers - A so-far-unsuccessful attempt to [add `Type`s][d5] similar to `Tag`s. - A [question][d6] for [talk.tiddlywiki][tto] about how to float the output of a ViewTemplate alongside the other body content. - The [Periodic Table][pt] in tiddlers. This also has [`tiddler.json`][ptt], with all the data tiddlers being used and [``][pte], with the code used to transform them from a predecessor format. - [Version 1][ptv1] demonstrates the basic idea - [Version 2][ptv2] cleans up the presentation a bit Note that this work has moved to [TW5-Chemistry][ch], a more permanent, more active home. - Notes on [documentation][do] for Tiddlywiki - An initial [sample output][d7] for the POC [markdown-to-tiddlywiki][m2t] script - A [version of the periodic table][d8] with the table in the sidebar - A [demo of a problem][d9] with a macro when the input to it is transcluded. - A [demo of a RSOD][d10] in 5.2.5, which seems to [have vanished][d11] in 5.3.0. - An [email list generating wiki][d12] with random data, to illustrate a question for - A very early attempt at making a [Lawn Sign Tracker][d13] using the new Geospatial plugin - A [demo for an answer][d14] to [a question on talk][tt08692] - A [demo for an answer][d15] to [a question][tt08534] about pagination - Two [different demos][d16] of [techniques for making][d17] plain text fractions pretty as discussed on [][tto8777], plus a [third version][d18] not suitable for my needs but interesting on its own. - A [demo][d19] of a way to [sort titles][tto7319] without their leading prefix and display them in APA style You might want to see also more substantial work hosted elsewhere, such as - The [WizardNav plugin][wn], which adds previous/next footers to specified tiddlers - The (pre-pre-alpha) [Nearby plugin][nb], which adds a footer linking to nearby tiddlers, based on links, tags, fields, and (eventually) transclusions - The Periodic Table and other [Chemistry][ch] work. [ba]: [ch]: [d1]: ./2022-12-16a [d2]: ./2023-01-08a [d3]: ./2023-01-13a [d4]: ./2023-01-28a [d5]: ./2023-01-30a [d6]: ./2023-02-02a [d7]: ./2023-03-07a [d8]: ./2023-03-26a [d9]: ./2023-04-12a [d10]: ./2023-07-17a [d11]: ./2023-07-17b [d12]: ./2023-08-27a [d13]: ./2023-10-07a [d14]: ./2023-10-22a [d15]: ./2023-11-27a [d16]: ./2024-01-01a [d17]: ./2024-01-01b [d18]: ./2024-01-01c [d19]: ./2024-03-03a [do]: ./docs [pt]: ./periodic [ptt]: ./periodic/tiddlers.json [pte]: ./periodic/ [ptv1]: ./periodic/v1 [ptv2]: ./periodic/v2 [m2t]: [nb]: [tto]: [tto5494]: [tto5767]: [tto7319]: [tt08692]: [tt08534]: [tto8777]: [wn]: